Friday, June 27, 2008

The Discrete Charm of Corporate Culture

It has occurred to me that, as far as work goes, I am almost completely powerless. I can maintain, sure, everybody is trying to maintain, but I can't do anything. I can't effect changes, I can't repair the system against issues I know exist. The corporate architecture seems practically built to withstand any positive progress. All I can do is go with the tide, repeat the same tasks over and over, floating in an endless, sluggish, urine-warm corporate lazy river. I do not like it. No sir, I do not.

I've seen so many people leave in the past year and a half that I've been there, people with vision, people with ideas and the skill and knowledge to actually put them into motion. I believe that the bureaucratic immune system must be deliberately and systematically trying to remove everyone with a pulse. Eventually, only the hollow shells of mindless middle-managers will be left. I assume my days are numbered.

Am I looking for something else to do? Hell yes I am. However, until then, while my paycheck cashes every week, I'll keep going around that lazy river, around and around and around. No way out. No way out. No. Way. Out.

Pretty grim, eh? Well, it's Friday. Marx clearly did not anticipate the modern work environment: the weekend is the opiate of the masses. Or has the weekend become our religion? Food for thought. Mmmm... food.

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