Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Different Kind of Cold War All Together

Tin Foil Hatter
Originally uploaded by Critical Todd

Erectile dysfunction a weapon of the enemy? Wasn't it Sun Tzu who said, "All war is based on flaccidity"? It makes so much sense... From AboveTopSecret:

According to The Center for Male Reproductive Medicine, erectile dysfunction effects approximately 20 Million American men. Think about it.. that means 1 out of every five guys you see has trouble obtaining or maintaining a satisfactory erection! This is a disorder of almost epidemic proportions, yet very little mention is ever made of it in the mainstream media. Why is that?

The most commonly stated causes are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and vascular disease, stress, and hormone problems, but I believe the real cause is much more sinister. I believe it's a conspiracy designed to render the American male population passive and impotent.

Passive? It would make me angry, very angry (and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry). It's a good thing we've got Viagra and Levitra!