Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Blues

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I had a most excellent time. But that was yesterday. Today, I am at work while most of America is a churning mass of sweat, flesh, mangled adverts, clawing, sweaty palms, being bilked by false advertising, supply shortfalls, and smarmy, rude salespeople- wait, what am I missing again?

My sister and I drove up to visit our mother's sister (whom we only met a month ago) and her husband (who we hadn't met at all) in Schenectady, NY.

Highlight #1: Seeing a DVD of Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo on the rack of the news shop at a random rest-stop on the New York Thruway:

Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo

Highlight #2: Learning that Robert, my mother's sister's husband (he doesn't feel like an uncle), is good friends with Kevin Grevioux who wrote (and had a small role in) Underworld. He also writes for Marvel Comics. How cool is that?


That segways rather imperfectly into this slightly old news. Last weekend was the second challenge in round one of NYC Midnight's 2008 Screenwriting Championship. My first challenge screenplay placed second in my group. I felt better prepared for challenge #2. If you're interested in giving it a read, here it is.