Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random Detritus: Going Negative Edition

I watched the second half of Frontline last night, Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story. Thanks to the wonder of DVR technology, I'll watch the front half tonight. Lee Atwater's life is a modern Faust morality play. As a political king-maker, he rose from obscurity to national prominence by doing anything and everything to ensure his side won. And it worked. Really, really well. From the top of the world, things came down hard and fast. After fainting during a speech, doctors discovered a tumor in his brain. In a matter of months, he lost his vitality, his strength, and then his life. Atwater died mostly alone, regretful, vilified by his detractors and never truly embraced by the kings he had made. It's a powerful story.

In other news, Sarah Palin called out bloggers as "kids in pajamas sitting in the basement of their parents' homes" being all mean-like. Oh, really? I for one do not favor PJs. I blog in the raw (a lovely image, I know). Way to make the Republicans seem even more curmudgeonly and out-of-touch, Ms. Palin! You're a pajama-wearing parents's-basement-living bloggers dream!

And now for something completely different: a girl on a pogo stick!

Boing Boing Boing

I didn't even know someone still made pogos but nobody told this girl who was happily pogoing down Greenwich Street during my lunch hour yesterday. Out with the new, in with the old! The pogo stick is the new Segway. You heard it hear first.