Friday, December 19, 2008

Hooray for Me!

I woke up this morning to find that the results for the screenplay championship challenge 2 were posted. Somehow, someway, yours truly found himself at the top of the leaderboard. My screenplay for challenge 2, "Bishop Takes McQueen" took first place in the group. My first screenplay took second place. Together, my combined score propelled me to the top of the group. We are the champions, my friend.

There's one more challenge for this round (I think) this weekend. I'll get the genre, location, and prop at midnight tonight. Let's see what happens. With the snow coming down like an upended snow globe, I won't have much else to do.

Looking back on this last challenge, I was definitely thrown out of my comfort zone. The genre was Romantic Comedy (not my strong suit), the location was an aquarium, and the prop was a chess board. It took me quite a while to get a handle on what I wanted to do but, once I got everything settled out, it came out of my mind onto the page very quickly. It doesn't hurt that it's only five pages. If you're intrigued or morbidly curious, here it is.

On a vaguely related tangent, I'm set to see Mishima: A Life in Four Acts tonight with a post-flick Q and A with director Paul Shrader. I'm looking forward to it.