I was a huge found of WipeOut XL on the Playstation. However, since then I had drifted away from the series. It was therefore with much anticipation that I downloaded the brand new WipeOut HD from the PSN store. I was feeling the need, the need for speed.

I only had a chance to fire up a few races but I learned something valuable in the process: I stink at WipeOut HD. Whatever skills I had I let drift a long time ago. Out of three races, the best I finished was 6th (out of 8). My other finishes? 7th and 7th. Both times the 8th racer did not finish due to obliteration. Basically, I finished last, last, and then close to last. I can say this: I am trending upward. That's gotta count for something, right? Don't answer that.
It goes without question that the game is an absolute beauty to behold, hear, and play. At $19.95, it's absolutely cheap for what it delivers in terms of quality and quantity, including online play. However, at my current skill level, online is the last place you'll find me. I don't need some mouthy 12 year old to tell me how much I suck. Not yet anyway. Queue the training montage!