After a three week stay, my mother left for back home oversees on Tuesday. For a farewell dinner, I took her to the Peter Luger Steakhouse. At $83 for a finely aged steak for two, it's not a bargin but it is a damn good meal. The meat was buttery in that Food Network/Travel Channel talking-head foodie show sense and absolutely tasty. We made sure to leave enough room in our stomach for deserts. She went with the cheesecake and I went with the apple strudel, both with real shlag. Yeah, it was good.
If there was one low point to the meal, it was the service. Our waiter was nice enough but he didn't seem all there- we'd ask for something and he seemed to forget over, and over, and over again. It wasn't a big deal but it added an unneeded note of frustration to the meal.
It's not every day that I actually get a response to something I post (almost never) so I didn't want this comment, in response to my mini-rant to get buried in the ever-growing strata of blog posts. Here's what I said:
...A man in a suit was handing out pamphlets. Well, I assume that's what he was doing because he handed one to the man walking about fifteen feet ahead of me. However, he conspicuously turned his back as I approached and remained fixed, looking away, as I passed by him and down the stairs.
(See "Walter Mosley Doesn't Want Me" for the complete post.)

Here's the comment I received:
I want to sincerely apologize if you believe my actions where intended to intentionally ignore you. When at a train station, one always tries to give campaign material to people leaving (for the "pm" rush hour traffic) the station and those who are entering (for the "am" rush hour") in order to maximize one's time and impact. So, again, I apologize if you believe I intentionally ignored you or if your feelings were hurt. Be well and have a productive remainder of the week.
Walter Mosley
I can't say that I understand exactly what he's saying. If he wants to give pamplets to people leaving and also to people entering, isn't that everyone who is accessing the station? Or, if he's saying he gives pamplets to people entering the station in the morning and then to those who are leaving the station in the evening, that doesn't wash either because I was entering the station in the morning. Therefore, I ought to have been targetted. I wasn't. Still, it's flattering that 1) he found my humble blog post and 2) responded. Dialog, people. That's how the healing starts.