The week seems to be moving apace. As I sit at lunch (well, waiting for lunch), I've got nothing to fill this empty space but a few random tidbits from yesterday.
First, there was the inflatable chicken-man that menaced the road from the subway to the safety of the office. Customarily, one or several papmhleteers stake out the fertile ground between the subway and the office. They hover, not unlike buzzards, seeking to prey on the unwary. The chicken-man, however, took things to another level.

I never knew the appeal of a giant chicken shilling for a chicken restaurant. I still don't.
I allow myself to get signed up for various newsletters and e-flyers, generally because every blue moon they actually produce a useful coupon. I received one from Gamestop yesterday that included this gem:
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Kingdom
There's nothing like a legend of untold riches to start a frenzied race to find it, like in the movie It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. With King's Bounty: The Legend, you can play in adventure mode or battle mode as a Warrior, Paladin or Mage as you search for the treasure under the big "W," but you won't be able to play as Buddy Hackett or Milton Berle. King's Bounty: The Legend is now available for PC. Order online or visit your local GameStop.
First, let me commend the copywriter on his reference to the classic film, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. I, for one, appreciate it. However, I can't help but guess that the film, Buddy Hackett, and Milton Berle, are somehow beyond the ken of the forever coveted 18-25 year old male. This is 2008, Gamestop. Buddy Hackett? Milton Berle? Really? Could you not find any movie within the last... forty years to fit the theme?
To stick a bit on the theme of videogames, I was in Kmart yesterday (I needed socks) when I saw these beauties:

Well, now I know what I want for Christmas. Or not. Somebody somewhere has gone too far. Too far, I say!