Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Underground Clown

I saw this while surfing through my morning's news-feeds and I couldn't resist passing it along. Somebody spotted a clown on the G train yesterday. Why am I never around when these things happen? I love a good clown. Even more, I love a bad clown. So what could be better than a subway panhandling street clown (follow the link for a fuzzy picture of the red-haired rascal)? Nothing, I tell you. Absolutely nothing.

In other news, I submitted my script for the first challenge of the Screenwriting Championships 2008. Because I was in Philly on Saturday, I only had Sunday to work on it. Still, I got it done and submitted. I've uploaded it here for your reading pleasure. I called it "Old Man River". It seemed more or less apt and I was under the gun. The next challenge isn't until almost Thanksgiving. Wish me luck!