Friday, October 24, 2008

Well, It's Friday

Time to play the theme for The Fall Guy because fall, or autumn as i like to call it, has arrived this week in force. The heat is on, the sweaters are out of the mothballs, and the cold weather lethargy has set in.

I mentioned earlier this week that my sister is currently filling out cast and crew for my Great American Short Film. This weekend she'll be conducting auditions. I'm tempted to roll down to Philly and take part but maybe it's better I don't. I'm torn. Plus, if I go down for the shoots the next two weekends, that would be three weekends in a row out of town and away from my brand new (awesome) couch. I need to break it in with some serious couching this weekend.

If I can tear myself away from the couch and away from Saints Row 2, Fable 2, and Little Big Planet, I do have a short story (sci-fi) that's been rattling around my brain for months that I need to get down onto virtual paper. Strike while the iron is hot, my grandmother always says.

In other furniture news, I still need some kind of coffee table. I really like this one but it's too pricey for me at the moment. Maybe if I get some floos (money) for Xmas, I'll pull the trigger. Unless I can find a cheaper version somewhere. Thus far I've had no luck.

It's been almost a week since I saw W.. I'll post some (more) complete thoughts later but for now, I'll say only that I enjoyed it. The performances across the board are excellent and really make the experience.

A couple of good-looking flicks open this weekend that I want to see. Of course I've said that before recently and not pulled the trigger to go see them. This weekend will be different! Probably. Maybe. Did I mention it's cold outside?