Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Casting Call of the Wild

As they say in Hollywoodland, it's a wrap. Today's casting call is a done deal. Let me say this: I do not want to be a casting director. Do not want.

A Side

As an aspiring writer, I've been subject to the buyer's market in which writers are a dime a dozen and publications hold all (or most) of the cards. I had assumed actors were in the same general situation but, until today, I did not realize the extent. To see the number of actors with credits under their name come in to try out for a non-paying part shocked me. I'm still not over it. Attracting an actor looking for experience I expected but to see actors with plenty of experience, experience to spare in a few cases, I did not expect. There are some great actors out there looking for parts. And then there are the others.

All the Sides

First, I have much respect for someone making the time to come and perform cold in front of strangers with zero promise of pay. That being said, some of these folks were scarily bad, some hilariously bad, and some just awful. Easy for me to say, right? Yes, yes it is but no less true.

The coolest thing about this whole day was that I got to watch people act out my words. This stuff I had put to paper was here coming out of people's mouths, with their interpretations, emotions, and energy. My creation had come to life, unpredictable, sometimes great, sometimes not, life. It's alive! It's alive!