Thursday, October 2, 2008

Veni Vidi Vidi Vidi Vidi

I was on my way home from work today when I meandered past the movie poster for Saw V. That's the Roman V as in five. Five. Really? Do we really need another Saw film? What spare acre of rough acre in the Saw landscape can this film tread that has not already been tread?

In all fairness, I have not seen any of the Saw films. However, I read the reviews and talk to friends who have been friendly to the torture-porn series. Even so, by all accounts, this franchise has been heading steady downward since Saw II, fully three films ago. By all objective measures, this film should be a direct-to-video Frank Stallone vehicle. This is Uwe Boll material. No, this is beneath Uwe Boll material.

Yet, somehow, despite my righteous indignation, this film looks to come out "just in time for Halloween" as the movie pitchmen like to say. Just in time for me... to see something else.