The day is winding down at last. It's been a long, long day. I took a metric ton's worth of photographs but the wifi connection in port is very dodgy so I'll probably only be able to upload a smattering of images until either I get home or until get to a better connection.
The boat is awesome. We went for a quick jaunt seaward after setting in this afternoon. As I type this, I'm sitting on the top deck looking down at Newport after dark. I am absolutely exhausted.
After dinner, I took a quick turn through town with my Uncle. We ran across the absolute weirdest mannequins I have ever seen. These are some strange, twisted mannequins:

This is the stuff of nightmares.
A couple of random question inspired by lack of sleep:
- What ever happened to Better Than Ezra? I liked those guys.
- No matter where you go, all cover-bands play the same song covers. Why is that and why hasn't anyone asked the free-masons about this conspiracy?