Yesterday ended up more involved than I had originally planned. I slept in, watched some of The Prisoner and then made my way to Battery Park where a couple of friends had snagged tickets to the River to River Sonic Youth/The Feelies concert.
Both bands put on a great show. Favorite moments:
- Kim Gordon forgetting some song lyrics
- Thurston Moore, on burning out a cable, saying, "We gotta get some bluetooth up in this piece."
- idiot who climbed up a tree, tried to play wise-ass and refuse to get out of the tree, only to get out when the law showed up

After the concert, we made are way up to Canal street and found a great Vietnamese restaurant whose name I cannot, for the life of me, remember. It was right off Canal on Baxter street so I've got that much. The food was delicious, filling, and timely. Then it was off to the fireworks.
A friend from out of town was bumping around and we were trying to join up but the way the law had compartmentalized all the streets made it more difficult than it needed to be to join forces. By the time we all got together, we were all ready for home.
I was able to snap a few pictures of all the shenanigans (although not of the restaurant, unfortunately):
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.