To complete my vacation-ready photog ensemble, I picked up a Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/5-5.6 IS lens. This will give me some extra focal length to what I have with the kit lens.

I also picked up a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II prime lens. I think with this trifecta of glass (lingo for the win!), my novice setup is complete for the time being. I think these three lenses give me a reasonably versatile (for my skill level) toolbox. Well, the coming trip will tell the tale.

The boat is supposed to have internet so I'll be able to unload photos to flickr and post stuff here while at sea or in harbor or wherever.
I'm reading through Exposure Photo Workshop by Jeff Wignall. I find it very well-written, easy to follow, and informative. How good the book ultimately is will be reflected in what I can apply to the photos I take but, so far, it's a winner. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to learn the subject.