I've wanted a DSLR camera for quite awhile now but I always liked an excuse justification for the purchase. A vacation trip by boat up the New England coast has provided the reason to break open the coffers and go shopping.
After reading many different reviews, blog posts, and forum squabbles, I went for the Canon EOS XSi (450D). In my opinion, it provided the most bang for my buck under $1,000. While, as people infinitely pointed out, the superior prosumer 40D was only a few hundred dollars more, I'd like to point out that there is always something better for a few hundred dollars more. You've got to put your foot down, draw a line somewhere. My line is drawn here.

This is my first DSLR so I'm just going through the literature, trying to come to grips with all the settings, and generally muck about with the thing. I did take it for a spin around the block on my way to dinner and took a few shots:
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Obviously, more will be forthcoming over the next few days as I continue my experiments. Once I leave for my trip, I'll be taking pictures in bunches but I don't know what my internet access will be like so it may be awhile before any of those hit the interwebs.
My first impressions of the camera are very good: I like it. A lot. However, since I have no experience, it's not much of an opinion as yet. However, as I figure things out, I'm sure I'll post more thoughts.