I went to Maggie Brown for breakfast this morning. I think I'm addicted to the Maggie Brown Eggs (the secret ingredient is horseradish!). I sat at the bar and watched the bartender make homemade Bloody Mary mix. I think she's the only one who does this, though, and she only works on Sundays.
It was about 10:30 AM and a guy sitting at a table ordered up a Guinness. This man is obviously trying to get some serious business done this morning. Either that, or he likes to drink his breakfast... Drinking breakfast? Brilliant!
After the eggs and some coffee, I hustled down to the Brooklyn Flea. I wasn't expecting much, being that the day looks to be on the edge of misery, but there was more going on than I had thought. I desperately need furnishings for my apartment but nothing caught my eye. I did however enter into a raffle for a table made of old bowling lane wood. I might go back this afternoon if either it doesn't rain or the fates smile down on me and I win the table. In any case, I need furniture but I lack inspiration. I need a design-epiphany.
Here are some shots from the flea market taken through my iPhone (where the heck did I hide my digital camera?):
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago