Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nintendo Says No to Bionic Commando

All three of the current generation platform holders have created marketplaces for downloadable content. However, none of them seem content to let the market operate on its own. In one way or another they just can't help monkeying around in the works. Whatever happened to the idea of laissez-faire?

Given this propensity to get in the way of things, it should come as no surprise that Nintendo has decided that it doesn't need Bionic Commando cluttering up the Virtual Console. I can't wait for Neogaf to work itself into a frothy frenzy over this.

I'll never understand why these companies create these marketplaces only to gimp them by not allowing them to function as truly open systems. Economics 101 and they just don't get it. How many corporate suits does it take to ruin a great idea? Sadly, not too many.