I probably should have mentioned it yesterday when it was more topical but... I didn't. What I did do was go into Thai 101 for lunch. It was my first time. I don't eat much Thai food, not for reasons of taste but because it just doesn't come up much. Out of sight, out of mouth. What caught my eye was the Thai beef salad on the menu.
My mother makes a great Thai beef salad. Actually, I guess she does because I've never had it. But I've heard over and over again how great it is. So, it dawned on me to try Thai 101's beef salad to create a basis of comparison for whenever I finally get to try my mother's version.
Unfortunately, because it has been a day and a half since I had the Thai beef salad, my recollections on the exact flavor have become a bit hazy. However, I did enjoy it with the slight caveat that it was a bit salty, nothing to deter me from having it again though.
Slowly but surely, I'm making the rounds of all the local eateries. I can't always go to Maggie Brown or Chez Lola... or can I? (No, I can't.)
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago