Monday, April 28, 2008

A Liberty City State of Mind

Well, I was able to do it- I was able to score a copy of tonight instead of tomorrow (I wasn't about to go fetch it at midnight). So far so good, it's graphically extremely impressive, it controls well, and it boasts a great script. Niko is a very likable character for someone who is essentially a thug, though not just a thug- he's got a mysterious past, a heart of gold, and a song in his heart. A thug with a heart of gold... doesn't that describe every GTA lead character?

I've only completed the first few missions - really, they're thinly veiled tutorials but they do a good job of drawing you in while handing out the requisite instructions on different gameplay elements, such as driving, shooting, brawling, and dating. Yes, dating. And you will like it.

Below are some photos of GTA IV ads I spotted around town:

...and the Corner Deli (Why? Because... just because):