Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Office Coffee Americano

Americano con crema
Originally uploaded by sinretrovisor
I like to drink the office , not because it is good (it isn't), but because it is free. Let me be blunt: it is truly rotten. However, I've come up with a way to make it somewhat less rotten and cut down on the actual coffee I'm consuming.

There are more than a few tea drinkers on my floor (damn tea drinkers!) so, warming on the ebony hot plates of the industrial coffee machine, there tends to be one pot of coffee and one pot of hot water. One day, as I contemplated the juxtaposition of these two diametrically opposed pots, I had a vision. It was my office kitchenette road-to-Damascus moment.

I took my mug, put in a copious amount of powdered creamer and then, instead of pouring in the coffee as usual, I poured in the hot water and stirred until I had about a third of the cup filled with the powder and water - combining the melange into something approaching milk. I then filled up the rest of the cup with coffee.

The result is a mild cup of coffee which tastes better and cuts down on my caffeine intake. It's full of win and, by using some of the hot water, I get to stick it to the tea drinking elites (take that tea-drinkers!).

Note: I am, in matter of fact, a tea drinker. English Breakfast. Old school.