Monday, August 4, 2008

Death of a Laptop

My laptop has passed on. What I thought was a dead battery has revealed itself as a short on the motherboard. Basically, it's done.

Now, I'm looking for the cheapest but least shitty desktop I can find and get home this week. So far, I've eyeballed a couple of Compaq, Acer, and HP models. I've seen, out of the corner of my eyes, various eMachines but I've already gone down that road and it ends only in sorrow. I'll never buy an eMachine again.

I did finally see The Dark Knight on Saturday via IMAX. I'm still putting my thoughts together but, as a preliminary review, I'll say this: I liked it a lot.

Before the film, there was a trailer for Watchmen. It looked intriguing. I've never read the graphic novel. I think I might give it a read.