Another weekend, another set of changes to service on the mighty G train. Weekends on the G are always special occasions but these weekends make it even more of a precious experience. However, I am lucky in that, other than getting to and from kickball on Sunday, I don't have to take the G if I don't want to. I'm close enough to things that I can walk to down Myrtle to Burrough Hall or take off down Washington to the C train. The G is closest though and its siren song is strong.
I noticed a new poster on the platform yesterday for Righteous Kill. It caught my attention because it's got both Robert Deniro and Al Pacino in it. This got me immediately thinking back to Heat which is probably the whole point of the thing.

In one important regard, it won't be like Heat at all. This time, Deniro and Pacino are working together. Wikipedia says:
Two veteran New York City detectives (De Niro and Pacino) work to identify the possible connection between a recent murder and a case they believe they solved years ago; is there a serial killer on the loose, and did they perhaps put the wrong person behind bars?
It sounds pretty ordinary but I'm a sucker for these things so I have no doubt I'll give it go. Time to track down a trailer!
On the topic of movies I want to see, I still haven't seen Tropic Thunder. Maybe this weekend. I pass this poster of the flick everyday on my way to work and it makes me giggle every single time.
Who the heck is McBride? I don't know but I want to find out.
In other news, my iPhone has been acting up all week but, of course, now that my appointment with the Apple store "genius bar" draws near, it's begun acting perfectly normal again. It's as if someone flicked a switch inside the cursed thing. Hmm.
In other other news, I said previously that I would avoid reading The Watchmen until after the movie comes out. Well, I lied. I saw the damn book at a bookstore on lunch a couple of days ago and I couldn't talk myself out of buying it. I'm about two-thirds of the way through with it. It really is an excellent piece of literature. It's very talky- I wonder how the film will handle all of it. I'm sure I'll finish it this weekend.