Monday, June 2, 2008

Head Games

Head Blade #2
Originally uploaded by Critical Todd

I've been shaving my skull for about a month now. My only problem is that I am still trying to formulate and hone a consistent technique and I procrastinate the actual act until it becomes more of a pain than it ought to be.

While the battle of wits against myself can only be won through my own determination, I have attempted to tackle the battle of technique by investing in some bald head care products in the form of a suite of shaving components from Head Blade.

I'm still healing from my last shave (Saturday morning) so I anticipate putting this new toolset through its paces tomorrow. I'm sure, after that, I'll have more to say about the experience, for good or ill.

Here are some pictures of the kit:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.