I'm back from Philly. I meant to do a bunch of write-ups upon my return but a sudden bout of laziness has pushed my resolve into tomorrow. In the meantime, I did upload some pictures I took during my tour of the Old City section of Philadelphia, including the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, and Christ Church (unfortunately closed for a wedding):
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Prior to the tour, I had brunch with my sister and her friend Alexis at a spot called Cuba Libre. I had a pretty good caesar salad and a very good pressed Cuban sandwich.
Check out this statue of William Penn:

Granted that I don't know how tall William Penn was, but his diminutive figure is so dwarfed by the pedestal he is placed upon, that he looks like an elf, dwarf- some sort of colonial oompa-loompa. He looks like he's shorter than Tom Cruise. And that's saying something.
On the voyage home, I opted to spend some extra coin on the direct Amtrak rail ride. The train was absolutely stuffed. Thankfully, I didn't end up with too bad a seat and, since it's a direct run, I didn't have to get up until I hit Penn Station.
Tomorrow it's back to work and serious business, unless I can find a way to put that off until Tuesday. Hmm...