By now, even a rube with the most rudimentary internet access (even AOL) has been bombarded by the news spewed forth from Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference. The big news (only news?) was the official big reveal of the next generation of iPhone, due next month.
As if the bat-crazy screaming of the web was not enough, Apple saw fit to send me a e-pamphlet on the new phone: enterprise ready ("Number One, engage!"), 3G, GPS; it's faster, stronger, practically bionic.
A long time ago, I had remarked that it would take a sizable memory upgrade to get me to bite on a new phone. However, I find my resolve waning. Next month is oh so close and the price is is in the right ballpark. Damn you, Steve Jobs!
One thing gives me pause. At the bottom of the advert, there was an ominous footnote (at least for me):
...Based on iPhone 3G (8GB) and first-generation iPhone (8GB) purchases. Requires new 2-year AT&T rate plan, sold separately.
I'm not sure exactly what this means. Is the price based on a purchase of both a first-gen and new iPhone? Also, what's this I see about a new AT&T plan, "sold separately"? I took the month-to-month route with my first-gen phone, how will this effect me? No sir, I don't like the sound of this at all.
With a bit over a month until the phone actually streets, there's plenty of time for the internet to completely dissect everything the way only the internet knows how. Plenty of smarter people than I will shed some wisdom on the labyrinthine terms Apple is foisting upon us. Until then, I will remain optimistic on the new phone. Just a bit.