Friday, June 20, 2008

Prince Namor Approves This Message

The Mermaid Parade is tomorrow at Coney Island. I went last year. It was a good time. I thought that was going to be the last but here it comes again. Hopefully, this isn't the last.

I'm going to try to make it out there. Who can say no to dancing, whirling mer-people? And I can wait an hour in line for a Nathan's Famous. It's all part of the atmosphere. Hot dogs, mer-hippies, pseudo-homeless guys smoking spliffs, carnies. Ah, who can forget the carnies. There's something about a game called "Shoot the Freak" that warms the cockles of my heart. Run, freak, run!*

* No freaks are hurt during the playing of "Shoot the Freak". Since 2002, they only use mock-freaks. How I miss the good old days...