Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Going Postal

Old Mailbox
Originally uploaded by Tru Image Photo

I find highly amusing. Let me repeat: highly amusing. But it has nothing to do with his (de)merits as a filmmaker as much as it has to do with the permanent circus that revolves around him - he is like a clown singularity, pulling media in towards him as he spins dervishly in place, waving his hands, fighting journalists (physically and verbally), and generally carrying on.

His latest oeuvre, an adaptation of the mega-unpolitically-correct videogame is due to debut on Friday but, to no one's surprise except for (maybe) Mr. Boll's, he's having a hard time finding theaters willing to show the film.

According to the MTV Multiplayer blog, he's got twelve theaters in hand. Nationally. 12. This is not a typo.

(Un)luckily for me and any fellow Brooklynites, one of these special theaters is in this neck of the woods: the Cobble Hill Cinemas. I really, really have no desire to see this film but given the desert-like rarity of screenings, I may actually go see it just to see it, to say, I was there. It will be like Saint Crispin's Day... or something.