I heard that film teams are shooting footage for the LOST finale here in New York and in L.A. I also heard that, to keep things on the down-low, they're using cover names. It has been suggested, therefore, that the "Twix" film shoots (see here and here) were actually LOST shoots in disguise.
I have no facts, none at all, but I choose to believe it's true. Why would someone, anyone, shoot a candy bar ad at midnight? It makes no sense. Actually, I'm sure there are perfectly logical reasons but I don't see them. Even if I did see them, I would ignore them. What sounds better, shooting a LOST finale or a candy bar commercial? It's no brainer. It's a Locke.
Sorry for that last bit. I'll be quiet and wait over here for the Dharma police to arrive. (Sorry again.)
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago