For an episode all about setting up the season finale, Cabin Fever had some meat to it. The beneficiary of this content was my favorite character, Mr. John Locke, whose early years now revealed beg as many questions as they answer.
We also finally (finally!) not only get into "Jacob's Cabin", we also learn the identity of the man inside. Claire is somehow transformed from a moving, talking piece of scenery into something halfway interesting- this is a tremendous feat in itself. Some (read: I) might call it a miracle. Her look at the end of the episode was somehow knowing, smug, and... evil. Yes, evil. And I liked it.
While we didn't get an all Locke episode, the other segments were more than watchable. The beach got little more than a sidelong glance and the boat segments had both purpose and blood-letting. This show can always use more blood-letting.
Things are shaping up nicely for the big finale. I wasn't all that keen on last week's episode but this week brings the excitement back up nicely. There's no better character to ride into the finale than Locke and tonight we got a full dose of the island mystic. I also like Ben in his role as Locke's reluctant sidekick. It fits in nice contrast to Ben as power politician supreme.
The finale should bring us to the "rescue" and the unveiling of the "Oceanic Six". This plot aspect I find the least interesting of all the threads outstanding. Since this episode got a big dose of Locke, I hope that doesn't reflect on a Locke-free finally. Every episode needs some Locke. Tonight we got a double dose. It was a banner night.
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago