I felt pity on the poor sap handing out fliers outside the subway stop this morning so I took his offering on my way into work. I am only now, as the first hunger pangs of lunch arrive, looking at it. It is awesome. It is not awesome in an "ooh, I want to try this place" sort of way but more in an "I can't believe somebody did this" kind of awesome.
First of all, the place is called 'WrapStar". I am, oddly enough, a fan of the pun, in general. However, this pun is truly awful. In case the name didn't strike enough fear into our hearts, the logo design is a cartoon (stereotypes for the win!) rapper (wrapper?) talking into a wrap. A juicy wrap by the looks of it as it is spitting squeezings out in every direction. I don't usually talk to my food. Sane people usually don't. I think it's clear that the restaurant is insane.
It's insanity was confirmed* by the presence of a 5% "package charge" that will be levied on each purchase. Packaging, really? How much packaging are they doing? Will they wrap the wrap (ha ha!) in bubble wrap (too late!)? The food better come in a styrofoam ark of the fast food covenant. Or, I could skip the whole deal and just get some street food.
The only choice, the sane choice, is street food. Plus, I don't want some madman talking into my lunch.
* I refuse to even acknowledge "Fresh Food Fizast".
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago