Monday, May 12, 2008

Three Stooges Stave Off Shark

Great White Shark in Mexico
Originally uploaded by Da Sauce

A slow day at work leads to scanning random news feeds leads inevitably to this find:

An Australian swimmer survived a great white shark attack by poking the creature in the eyes as it dragged him through the water after badly savaging his left leg.

There is no evidence he yelled whoopwhoopwhoop! Curly-style as he swam back to shore.

I don't want to make too light of this, given that the man's life was in the balance but he did survive (thankfully) to give a good hearty nyuk nyuk nyuk from the safety of the shore....Okay, I admit, that wasn't a great joke but, they, they can't all be gems and it's a slow, slow, glacier-ly slow Monday.