My evening was swiftly descending into the sort of hell reserved for mid-level managers and ambulance-chasing attorneys. I got an "invitation" to attend a work conference call because of things I shan't discuss at this time (it will only make me angry- you won't like me when I'm angry).
I had to cancel the beatdown I was scheduled to receive in MLB '08 and scramble around to find something to eat prior to the call. I was going to go to the supermarket but now I didn't have time. All I could do was wander down Myrtle looking for somewhere, anywhere, I could get something fast.
Luckily, there are plenty of choices on Myrtle. I ended up at The Jive Turkey. I hadn't tried there before (but it was on my list) and I walked out with a turkey BLT and a side of mashed potatoes. I gotta say: the turkey was impressive. It was moist and had a nice flavor to it - there were some nice cajun spices working in there. The potatoes were choice too. It was definitely just what I needd and got me through the phone call. Needless to say, I'll definitely be back.
My "Favorites of 2024" List
Here we go again.
New Year. Similar format. :) I will continue with my 2 list method. As
always, first list will be my top 10 movies relea...
2 months ago